English (United Kingdom)

Our Partners

Current Partner:

SPEKTRAL: Lendkai 45, 8020 Graz - who we would like to thank for providing their premises without charging us.

Ulli Brantner, who leads our improv trainings - for the sheer love of it

Everybody who participates, works with us, helps to organize,…


The following funding authorities supported the timeOut project (November 2009 – August 2010):

- “Jugend in Aktion”: an EU support programm

- “Logo“: In the beginning Katy Nicholls and Faustina Verra assisted in the processing of the application and informed us about co-financing institutions.

- Our main co-finance institution was the project “Panthersie für Europa” of the Landesjugendreferat Steiermark. They assisted in project organisation and we were allowed to use their premises for our first meeting.

- The “ÖH“ dedicated further financial support which allowed us to provide better circumstances for the participants, such as more lessons with trainers and better food supply. Furthermore, it enabled us to perform the music-literature-experiment with Gregor Fasching.

- “ISOP” gave us the possibility to hold the kick-off-event and another meeting in their premises at very low costs. The mixed-music head Gregor Fasching assisted in the music-literature-experiment.

- The office of “Stadt Graz” under control of Elke Edlinger supported us.

- “LAUT” allowed us to finance our second improv trainer Jürgen Gerger.